Accidents - How to try and avoid a total loss.
There comes a time when an accident occurs and we need to know what options we have. First and foremost ensure you are safe and off the road if possible. If there are any injuries or you or another persons vehicle is blocking traffic call 911.
Once you are safe and out of harms way, if you need to exchange insurance and other details with whomever you have collided with, do so. If police arrive and your vehicle needs to be towed the Police will call a tow truck on your behalf off of their rotation schedule. This is something that may cost you or your insurance a substantial amount of money depending on the tow company that arrives.
Not all tow companies have the same rates and you can protect yourself from fluctuating charges by having the Police call your preferred tow company. If you find yourself in an accident where police are on scene, know that you have a choice of who tows your vehicle. Just let the officer know you prefer Brown’s and get the rates you deserve in the hopes that your vehicle isn’t deemed a TOTAL LOSS!
Unfortunately your insurance makes the final determination on whether your vehicle is totaled or not. This is just one way to try and lower the costs to help keep it in your possession.